At the outbreak of the War of Spanish Succession Bavaria had 3 cuirassier regiments: General de Cavalerie Johan Baptist Graf von Arco, GFML Graf von Thurn & Taxis (La Tour) & GWM Karl Johan Lothar von Wieckel von Wackerstein. Each regiment was of 12 companies in 6 squadrons. A company was of 75 men: 1 Rittmeister, 1 Oberleutnant, 1 Unterleutnant, 1 Kornett, 1 Wachtmeister, 1 Fourier, 3 Korporal, 1 Trompeter (Leibcompagnie +1), 1 Feldscherer, 1 Fahnensattler, 1 Fahnenschmied, 62 Gemeine. In April of 1701 cuirassier regiments were below authorized strength: Arco – 276, Wieckel – 275 & La Tour - 268. But by the opening of the hostilities in 1702 they reached the full staff. La Tour Cuirassier twice changed inhabers in 1702-03. First in 1702 it became obrist Gabriel Ferdinand Graf von Verita, then on 15 September 1703 – obrist Bartholomaus Graf von Costa.
The fourth cuirassier regiment was raised on 15 May 1702. Its inhaber became obrist Beit Heinrich Morits Graf von Wolframsdorff. Existing cuirassier & dragoon companies were reduced on 8 & 12 men respectively to create the new regiment, so now Bavarian cuirassier regiments became of 780 men.
Bavarian cuirassiers during the WSS were dressed in grey coats with cuffs & lining in regimental colours:
Regimental colour
La Tour(Costa)
Bavarian cuirassiers didn’t suffer a lot during the campaign of 1704. In October of 1704 Arco & Wolframsdorff Cuirassiers were of 12 coys, Costa – 10, Wieckel – 8. By the 1 November of 1704 Arco & Costa were reduced to 5 squadrons (10 coys), Wieckel & Wolframsdorff – 4 (8).
Cuirassier Regimental Standards
Source: Staudinger K. Geschichte des kurbayerischen Heeres unter Kurfürst Max II Emanuel. B. 2. S. 774, 783-784, 792, 797.
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